Northern Lights in Jam Jar & Other Autumnal Random Stuff

After a while, I would like to update my blog again. I haven’t done nothing super special in meanwhile, just crazy random stuff as usual 😀 I wish the autumn could last a little bit longer, because it somehow resembles the autumns many many years ago, back in the good old times. Well, I think I’ll let the photos speak for themselves, tell the story of autumn 2015. Enjoy!

Melancholic autumnal night

Chill nights of autumn are melancholic.

Full moon and black sky

Plasma resembling northern lights in jam jar

Here is a picture about one of my experiments. I put some northern lights into a jam jar 😉

Big juicy hamburger with bacon slices and egg

While making experiments, it’s important to have some calories for the brains.

Autumnal Finnish landscapes

Oh boy, it’s time to hike again in beautiful Finnish landscapes, and to become lost in the maze!

Evening sun sheds its light on a boreal pine forest on a hill

Evening sun sheds its light on the boreal pine forest over a hill.

Hazel grouse shot with a Winchester WMR on white lichen

Oh, I got a hazel grouse with my Winchester. The lichen is like white snow 🙂

Hazel grouse shot with a Winchester WMR on white lichen

Earth's shadow over a boreal forest

The shadow of earth lurks over the horizon. Time to get back to the camp!


Milky way over a boreal forest.

And soon it was pitch dark in our home universe.

Frying the hazel grouse in sweet whiskey on a camp fire with casted iron pan

Frying the hazel grouse in sweet whiskey.

My lonely camp in the middle of night next to a camp fire

My first woodcock shot with a shotgun

During a second hunting trip I was stalking hares, but saw a couple woodcocks flying nearby. Instead of diving into the forest, they flew over the field and passed me really close. I shot the other one with iron shots, and the bird drop like a dummy. It was my first woodcock ever 🙂

Woodcock seasoned with blackcurrant, salt, and black pepper.

Woodcock seasoned with blackcurrant, salt, and black pepper 🙂 I made it like I do my hazel grouses on camp fire. First sautéed the onions in butter, then added the seasoned meat (with the blackcurrant), and gave the meat nice brown color. Then I added some sweet cognac, lit it on fire, and finally let the whole thing to boil down for a while. Oh boy how delicious the bird was!

Woodcock dinner

My evening snack, fresh woodcock with blackcurrant 🙂 See ya!

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